※ハイポイドギアのモジュール上、ピニオンの歯数が少ない為(ローギアードな程)、アクセルON/OFF時のギア鳴り音が出やすいです(デフマウント、リアメンバー等を強化されていると、音が車内へ響きやすくなります)。特に街乗りがメインの方にはギア鳴り低減、油温上昇防止の為にも『ソリッドディスタンスピース レボスペック』の同時装着と、純正リアドライブピニオンベアリングの新品への交換を推奨します。
This is a 5.125 final gear set that can be bolted on. It comes with all the necessary replacement parts for installation, allowing you to install it as is.
Note: Due to the module of the hypoid gear and the low number of teeth on the pinion (the lower the gear ratio), gear noise is more likely to occur during acceleration and deceleration (if the differential mount and rear member are reinforced, the noise is more likely to resonate inside the vehicle). For those who mainly drive in urban areas, we recommend the simultaneous installation of the “Solid Distance Piece Rev Spec” and the replacement of the rear drive pinion bearing with a new genuine part to reduce gear noise and prevent oil temperature rise.
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